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Junior-Hammer 5:40 Fri Oct 21
Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
At Palace last week the atmosphere was class, the one thing that wound me up was behind me was the man who runs Hammers Chat, another successful network for West Ham fans by the fans who was filming a match vlog for the game which is now on YouTube at about 65 minutes, a lad in his 20's started piping up to him about why he was filming and started to put a downer on the bloke from Hammers Chat's day. In my opinion, it's a great video from Hammers Chat and I enjoy watching videos from people put on social media. But why do so much many people have such a threatening problem with people filming etc? I agree the likes of Spencer Owen can be annoying but Spencer is massively successful from his YouTube work and we'll all be surprised from what I have heard his next venture is. Don't get me wrong I'm not his biggest fan but is it his fault the club asked him to present the likes of the kit launch and appear at several events for the club? If one of us got that opportunity we'd jump at it I'm sure however I don't understand why the likes on West Ham Fan tv, west ham way, Hammers Chat get so much stick for videoing when all it does is make things more engaging for fans?

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penners28 5:18 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
cool story bro

Eggbert Nobacon 5:02 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
some famous youtubers have been sat behind me at a few games this year, Bazingah and something that sound slike Jalfrezi

I had no clue but my 9 year old and his mate were star struck. they get like 6 million followers for playing Fifa or something

HairyHammer 4:45 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Yes It is sad but would I do it if I had a camera Yes I would.
I think fans just have to accept that being in the moment was only a thing a few years into the smaller Camcorders being invented now being in the moment involves recording what is going on for many people.

Soon they will create a tiny device if not already created that will record from ones nostril or eyebrow.
By the way you cannot see the whole stadium on match of the day, it is nice to see it whole and from a fans perspective on the Internet media.

Lily Hammer 4:35 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Huffers, that's not fair.

Saying 2 girls 1 cup leads to Spencer Owen, is as stupid and untrue as saying cannabis leads to heroin.

Huffers 4:32 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Ok well people sitting there watching a reaction is even stranger. I guess it all started with 2 girls 1 cup

ACP90 4:17 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Huffers 7:48 Fri Oct 21

I thought this was strange aswell.... Until my younger brother told me the advertisements he gets from people watching made him a millionaire.

Grumpster 3:07 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
World we live in nowadays, people are obsessed with either taking selfies or videoing what they are watching, instead of just enjoying what they are watching.

Never taken a selfie in my life, as I don't really understand why you wouldn't just ask a stranger to take a picture for you.

Keeno78 3:04 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
In my view it's simple, photo/video before kick off.

Photo/video after final whistle is a good result. Place is still bouncing normally if it's a good result anyway (especially aways!)

Whilst the game is on, the game is the only thing that should matter. Same with people that play on phones/ipad etc. Understand emergencies etc.. but those that just text/email through games at times are just as annoying!

Any Old Iron 2:46 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Only self obsessed rampant narcissists (or tiddly's) go in for this bollox. If some herbert started gobbing off while filming himself during a game I'd grab his phone and lob it on the pitch. No, make that the running track, I wouldn't reach the pitch.
And to the original poster, I'd give that bloke a pat on the back for taking a pop at the prick filming. This shit needs stamping out

penners28 1:07 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
i cant understand people filming it then selling it/sending it to the papers. its just grassing up your own really isnt it?

Buster 12:38 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
There's some bloke at the front of that argy bargy on Wednesday giving it to Chelsea while holding a mobile phone up in the air filming them.


Driz 12:37 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
I 'vlogged' my old mans first visit to the London Stadium.

It's something we'll cherish forever esp as we found our 'stone' and I caught us losing our shit when Reid scored at 90+4.

Could not give two flying fucks if people don't like it.


Skip to 7.40 for the goal.

Aberdeen Iron 12:19 Fri Oct 28
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
The Scotch bloke on Hammers Chat is my eldest.

Lily Hammer 8:32 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media

Yeah, the one's who film themsleves are even further from my understanding.

I like the lads on West Ham FanTV doing the interviews after. They seem decent enough lads, and the ones they interview are not always embarrassing. I was glad that Nicky off there put out some truth about the street party before the last match at Upton Park v Man U, as the media only focussed on the coach bottling, so it was good that a platform exists for fans to put the real truth out there.

fred flinstone 8:23 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
People are shit, get used to it

Stepney.Ammer 8:15 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Lilly - aren't we talking about people actually filming their boats during the game whilst talking crap?

Filming the actual game / goal celebrations, whilst not something I would do, I can understand to an extent in this day an age of film fucking everything and post on social media bollocks.

But filming yourself and thinking your opinion really matters can fuck right off. I couldn't give a shit if fans of all clubs do it now days and should their 'footage' be sabotaged at every opportunity until these cunts get the message!

Lily Hammer 7:59 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Slightly mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I agree with nearluy everyone on here. I would never do this at a match or a concert. I prefer to be there, enjoying it old school way, through my eyes and ears.

On the other hand, I can't deny I've enjoyed some clips from phones when they catch a West Ham goal and they're in amongst our fans. Who didn't enjoy watching the clip at White Hart Lane when Diame crosses to Maiga? Also, my Norwegian mate who I took to his first engish match at Old Trafford in the cup, without my knowledge until back in Norway, filmed Payet's free kick from the upper tier. I fucking love wtaching that back every now and then.

Basically, I'd never do it, but I'm glad some do.

CrowleyHammer 7:56 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Yeah but he gets paid to do it and people watch it!

yngwies Cat 7:54 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Every club has fans that does it these days.

Huffers 7:48 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Re: Spencer Owen - I can't believe he is an adult. He buys packs of players on fifa and then films himself opening them. If you don't think thats strange then read it back a couple of times.

Stepney.Ammer 7:39 Fri Oct 21
Re: Filming the game/YouTube/Social Media
Pathetic bollocks all this. Proper cringey shit.

If anyone does this near me at the Chelsea game they will have my thoughts about it heard on their video that's for sure.

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